Publisher’s notice
UTM Umwelt-Technik-Metallrecycling GmbH
Alt Herrenwyk 12
23569 Lübeck
Tel.: +49 451 30209-40
Fax: +49 451 30209-38
Contact Form: here
Chief Executive Officers: Wolfgang Steinborn
Registered Court: District Court of Lübeck
Registry Number: HRB 4075
VAT-Identification Number under § 27a VAT Act: DE 183471713
Séché Global Solutions
Responsible for Content: Wolfgang Steinborn
Editing: Timon Henseler
Legal Notice Concerning the Use of
1. Liability Exclusion
The contents of this website were produced with the greatest possible care. The vendor nevertheless accepts no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or currency of the content provided. The use of contents of this website proceeds at the user’s own risk. Entries identified with an author’s name reflect the opinions of the particular author and not always that of the vendor. The mere use of the vendor’s website establishes no sort of contractual relationship between the user and the vendor.
2. External Links
With the legal ruling of May 12th, 1998 (Az. 312 O 85/98 – ‘Liability for Links’), the State Court of Hamburg ruled that one can, under certain circumstances, be held co-responsible for the contents of a linked site by establishing a link.
This website contains connections to third-party websites (‘external links’). These websites are subject to the liability of the particular operator. The vendor reviewed the content of the external linked sites on first establishing the link to see if there were any legal offenses. At that time, no legal offenses were discernable. The vendor has no influence of any kind on the current or future design or content of linked sites. Establishing links to external sites does not mean that the vendor in any way assumes ownership or responsibility for the content behind the reference or link. Constant checking of the contents of external links without any concrete indication [report] of legal offenses is not to be assumed. Upon learning of any legal offenses, the external links therewith associated will be immediately removed.
3. Copyrights and Performance Protection Rights [Ancillary Copyright]
The content published on this website is subject to German copyright and performance ancillary copyright [intellectual property] law. Every commercial or other use not permitted under German copyright and ancillary copyright law requires the prior written approval of the vendor or the particular copyright holders. This applies especially to reproduction, conversion, translation, processing or the transfer or transmission of contents in databases or other electronic media and systems. Content and the rights of third parties are identified as such. The reproduction or re-transmission of individual content items or entire pages is not permitted and is punishable under law. Only the production of copies and downloads for private and not commercial use is permitted.
The representation of this website in third-party frames is only allowed if written permission is obtained.
4. Privacy Notice [1]
Data concerning your visit to the vendor’s site can be stored (date, time, site viewed). These data are not personally identifiable, but are rendered anonymous. They are used exclusively for purposes of statistical evaluation. These data are not shared with third parties, either for commercial or non-commercial purposes.
The vendor reminds the user explicitly that data transfer over the Internet (e.g. communication via e-mail) is prone to security breaches and cannot be perfectly protected from unauthorized access by third parties.
The use of the contact data in the publisher’s notice for commercial advertisement is expressly forbidden, unless the vendor issues prior approval in writing or in the case of an already established business relationship. The vendor and all persons named on this website herewith prohibit any commercial use or sharing of their contact information and data.
5. Special Terms and Conditions of Use [2]
To the extent that special terms and conditions of use for specific uses of this website deviate from numbers 1 through 4 above, this will be indicated where appropriate. In this case, the special terms and conditions of use apply in that particular specific case.